
IDR can provide accurate, impartial analysis of your market position

IDR is experienced at benchmarking pay and benefits for a wide range of roles, both generic and specialised, across the private, not-for-profit and public sectors. Our analysis ensures you are paying the amount necessary to recruit, retain and motivate employees

Pay Benchmarker

Subscribe to our online benchmarking tool Pay Benchmarker. Capture data on salary levels and pay awards at the click of a button. Analyse and manipulate complex pay data to provide accurate information to inform your reward decisions.

‘Pay as you go’ benchmarking

There are times when organisations have a specific need for benchmarking, for example when recruiting for a new position. Here you can contact IDR with a job description, and we will quote to provide salary data for the job(s) in question. We can benchmark basic pay or include other pay and reward elements as required.

For requests of up to 6 roles please complete the form below and we can provide a quote within 48 hours. Call IDR on 01702 669 549 to speak with a consultant.

Pay benchmarking
Discussion meeting

Need job evaluation?

Robust matching of your job(s) with those that have similar weight in the market is critical to any market comparison with external comparators.  The most robust way to do this is via job evaluation. IDR can evaluate jobs for you to establish their relative size.

Team planning

Equality proofed

IDR has an established methodology for matching jobs, underpinned by the IDR Job Evaluation Scheme – our own proprietary JE scheme, which has been equality-proofed by leading experts. Our scheme is an analytical scheme that uses a straightforward and user-friendly approach to enable all types of jobs, from manual work to complex management and specialist posts, to be analysed and evaluated against seven key factors.

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