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Median pay award persists at 5.0%
IDR's latest analysis on pay awards
What is in store for the National Living Wage in 2025?
Read IDR's latest insights on the National Living Wage
What is the Gender Pay gap?
As firms begin to prepare their gender pay gap information and get ready to provide key statistics under the statutory reporting regulations, IDR considers what each of the statistics measures and the insights they provide for employers.
Labour market figures continue to show complex picture
Read IDR's latest insights on the labour market
Pay gap support series
While gender pay gap reporting is compulsory for organisations of a certain size, ethnicity pay gap reporting...
Issue 37, June 2024
The latest bulletin for June 2024 features insights from our survey on maternity and paternity pay as well as the latest inflation forecasts.
Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave and Pay 2024
Findings from our survey of maternity, paternity and parental leave and pay.
Rate at which prices are rising tails off
IDR's article on the latest inflation figures
More than a quarter of awards are worth 6% or more
IDR's latest analysis on pay awards
Pay for degree apprentices grows faster than pay for graduates
IDR's research on pay and conditions for graduates and apprentices
Inflation forecast to rebound slightly
IDR's article on the latest forecasts for inflation
Employers maintain headroom above NLW despite unexpectedly high lift
On 1 April this year saw a surprising 9.8% increase applied to the National Living Wage (NLW) for workers aged 21 and over, surpassing expectations, including even those of the Low Pay Commission.
IDR experts present at University of Greenwich CREW Advisory Board Meeting
On Wednesday, June 6, IDR's Ken Mulkearn and Louisa Withers delivered insightful presentations to the Centre for Research on Employment & Work (CREW) advisory board at the University of Greenwich.
Occupational maternity pay typically worth 19.5 weeks’ pay
Findings from our latest survey of maternity, paternity and parental leave and pay
Maternity policies typically provide 19.5 weeks’ pay
Overview of our recent research into maternity, paternity and parental leave and pay