Average earnings growth remains comparatively robust, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Across the whole economy, regular earnings – which exclude bonuses – grew by 5.9% in the year to the latest three-month period, November to January. This was the same as for the 12 months to the previous quarter, October to December. Growth in total earnings (including bonuses) was down slightly from 6.1% to 5.8%.
The recent increase in inflation has reduced the real-terms annual growth rates. These show that regular pay grew by 2.2% while total pay grew by 2.1%, down from 2.5% and 2.6% respectively the previous month. The ONS uses the CPIH estimate of inflation, which includes a measure of housing costs, to adjust the figures in relation to changes in the cost of living.
Regular earnings growth was strongest in retail, wholesale, hotels and restaurants at 6.3%, followed by construction at 6.2%. Manufacturing was showing at 5.8%, while regular pay growth in finance and business services was 5.3%. Most of these were down on the previous month’s figures, apart from construction, which stayed the same. Across the private sector as a whole, regular earnings grew by 6.1%, down from 6.2% the previous month.
In the public sector (excluding financial services), regular earnings growth was up from 5.1% last month, to 5.7% in the latest figures. The figure for the public sector including the nationalised banks was lower, at 5.3%, though this was also up, from 4.7%.
Total pay growth showed a slightly different pattern, with the highest figure in construction at 5.9%, though this was down from 6.6% for the three months ending December. Next highest was manufacturing at 5.6%, also down, and then retail at 5.5%, down from 5.8% a month earlier. Total earnings growth in finance and business services was 5.1%, down sharply from 6.2% in the previous set of figures. Across the private sector as a whole, total earnings grew by 5.9% (the same as for construction), down from 6.4% the previous month.
Total earnings growth in the public sector excluding financial services was 5.7%, up from 5.2% in the year to the end of the previous rolling quarter. As with regular pay, growth including the nationalised banks was lower at 5.3%, also up, from 4.8% earlier.