03 May 2023

Shift Patterns and Premiums 2023


IDR’s Shift Patterns and Premiums, 2023 provides you with a detailed picture of shift patterns and associated premiums operating in a range of organisations, most commonly in the manufacturing and primary sector. It includes data from 55 major firms, together employing a combined workforce of around 228,000 people.

The report examines typical shift patterns, premiums and common overtime arrangements within the private sector. The report also analyses common arrangements offered by organisations such as shift swapping and annualised hours contracts.

 Expert commentary and analysis sets us apart from other large consulting firms. We also collect our own data, which means we are in an excellent position to comment on the key trends in pay and reward.

If you have any further questions about the research in this report, please contact the office on +44(0)1702 669549 or complete our contact us form.

The report is priced at £449, or £404 for participants and IDR subscribers.