22 May 2024

Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave and Pay


IDR’s Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave and Pay report provides analysis of enhanced maternity, paternity and shared parental leave and pay policies, plus parental and carer’s leave and fertility support. The report is based on data provided by 100 employers across the economy, together employing almost 650,000 staff.

The report provides details of (lower- and upper-quartile, average and median) maternity pay provision by sector and typical maternity pay provision by company size. It also looks at how paternity pay is enhanced by sector and the extent to which shared parental leave and pay policies match maternity provisions. In addition, the report discusses measures to assist parents when returning to work; parental and carer’s leave; and the extent of support for employees undertaking fertility treatment.

Expert commentary and analysis sets us apart from other large consulting firms. We also collect our own data, which means we are in an excellent position to comment on the key trends in pay and reward. If you have any further questions about the research in this report, please contact the office on +44(0)1702 669549 and ask for Katherine Heffernan

The report is priced at £449, or £404 for participants and IDR subscribers.