IDR IT and Cyber Pay 2024 provides you with salary tables for 26 IT and Cyber roles within the following disciplines:
- Development and Architecture
- Cyber
- Systems Maintenance
- Management
- Data Science
- Business Intelligence
It includes information from 56 organisations, together employing over 730,000 employees in the UK and was collected in February 2024. The roles are broken down by IDR level, sector and geographical region. Plus information on hours and holidays.
Expert commentary and analysis sets us apart from other large consulting firms. We also collect our own data, which means we are in an excellent position to comment on the key trends in pay and reward.
If you have any further questions about the research in this report, please contact the office on +44 (0)1702 669549 or complete our contact us form.
The report is priced at £449, or £404 for participants and IDR subscribers.